Technical standards design video surveillance systems

Technical standards design video surveillance systems

Among the recent activities of Sisem certainly occupies a prominent place the design and construction management related to the construction of video surveillance systems for urban security (last client: Ministry of the Interior)

The various decrees-laws that have followed until now have brought to the fore the need to prevent and combat widespread and predatory crime, by installing video surveillance systems to benefit the areas most affected by degradation.

The use of video surveillance equipment by the local Police Command, the Police Headquarters and the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri is a very effective tool for the prevention and rationalization of local police action, State Police and Carabinieri on the municipal territory, in close connection with the other law enforcement agencies.

The purposes of such installations include the following:

  • preventing and repressing criminal acts, illegal activities and incidents of petty crime committed on the territory, in order to ensure greater security for citizens within the broader concept of “urban security”;
  • preventing and combating urban degradation and carrying out checks to ascertain and penalise breaches of environmental rules;
  • to ensure the integrity, conservation and protection of public and private property, order, decorum and public order;
  • control certain areas of the territory
  • license plate reading and traffic flow monitoring

The security systems regulated by (intrusion alarm systems, video surveillance, access control, etc.) fall within the scope of Ministerial Decree 37/08 and in particular in the type of systems referred to in art.1, paragraph 2, letter b (electronic equipment) and are therefore subject to all obligations arising therefrom.

According to the ministerial decree, it is always necessary to draw up the project of the plant that will then have to be carried out in a workmanlike manner, as required by art.6 and as already fixed by L.186/68. Once the installation is complete, companies are required to issue a declaration of conformity (Art.7).

The reference technical standards for this type of system are the EN 62676. The standard EN 62676-1-1 defines four degrees of security that a video surveillance system can have; these degrees of security take into account the probability of occurrence of an event and the potential damage of consequences.

The Standard CEI EN 62676-4, on the other hand, provides recommendations and prescriptions for the choice, planning, installation, commissioning, the maintenance and testing of video surveillance systems consisting of one or more image capture devices, interconnections and image management devices intended for use in security applications.

Modern video surveillance systems allow color video shooting in conditions of sufficient natural or artificial lighting, black and white otherwise. There are no detailed shots of the physical features of people, which are not functional to the satisfaction of the purposes provided for by the regulation. With regard to the processing of personal data, it must be carried out in full compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose, necessity and proportionality, enshrined in the Code.