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Project certification of electrical systems

progetto certificazione impianti elettrici

The 5g is an important challenge from the point of view of the electrical verification of the plants. We are working to verify and/or improve the reliability of the electrical systems of mobile phone sites and ensure the continuity of service. Therefore, we are called to ascertain the state of maintenance and conservation to verify the suitability for the implementation of new equipment, in particular those intended for 5G technology.

How are we doing? Initially it is necessary to implement all the relevant documentary analysis, to continue with visual inspections and final certification of suitability. All this is done in accordance with DM 22.01.2008, n. 37 and CEI 64-8/6 “Verifications”, CEI 64-14.

Types of checks:

  • Safety checks: Whether the electrical installation meets the requirements to reduce the electrical risk below the acceptable limit. In this verification reference is made to the laws and regulations and to the norms CEI and UNI.
  • Checks for the purpose of the rule of art: it is ascertained whether the electrical system complies with the rule of art, including in addition to safety also the performance of the system.
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